The wedding was tons of fun and Erica looked beautiful. I thought the wedding was going to start about 10 min after we went into the middle of the lake so I had to pee and I decided I would have plenty of time. So I went pee and when I came out all the groomsmen had already walked up to the front of the boat and the flower girls were next! And the worst part is that the door to the bathroom was right in the aisle where everyone walked so they all saw me walk out and then run to the back and got in line for the ceremony! But then we all walked up and it was fun. We sailed around 2 lakes and saw Bill Gates house. I had to give a little speech at the end too but it wasn't bad. I got all emotional because we have known eachother for so long and it just hit me that we are all grown up (you would think I already knew that) but we were moving on with life and it was just emotional. My mom thought she was a photographer because she kept taking pictures that the photographers were taking. After the ceremony we were standing there and amillion flashes were going off and my mom popped out it made me laugh so hard.
The next day we had brunch at Aunt Shari's house with my parents. They went all out for us which was way nice of them. We stayed for a few hours and my cousin Griffin was cracking us up the whole time and taught us the "hee haw" where you yell "HEE HAW" and kick your legs and arms. Then we drove to Vancouver which was another 2 hours away. Going into Canada was so fast. It was like they didn't care who went in. They just asked us where we were from, where we were going and where we were staying and then let us go. They didn't stamp our passports which I was bummed "aboot" lol. We went to Gastown and had dinner, it was cold and rainy but it was a cute little area. There was a weird steam clock that went off every hour and played a song.
Since the weather wasn't so great we decided to go to the aquarium in Stanley Park. The line to get in was about 30 min long but the aquarium was huge and really fun to see. They had dolphins and whales and otters and every kind of fish there was. It was a lot of fun. We also went to the Vancouver Art Gallery. I wasn't allowed to take pictures of it but it was one of my favorite things of the vacation. We saw drawing of Dega and Toulouse and Monet, they were soooo beautiful to see in person, so much better than a representation on a screen. I loved all the art up there, I wish Utah was a huge art scene like Vancouver and Seattle is.
The weather still sucked but we went to Grouse Mountain where the Olympics were held. It was so incredibly foggy that the water was condensing on our hair in droplets. And it was cold but to beautiful when the fog broke. We saw a really funny Lumber Jack show where they compete and climb this huge tree, and there was a bear refuge and a bird show. There was a fun ski ride thing to the peak but it was so foggy it was hard to even see the ground at some points. One couple going up while we were going down thought nobody could see them and were making out, it was so hard not to laugh so I did and then they felt dumb. It was nasty making out too so it was funny. Brett said the mountain was his favorite part of the trip. Then we went to the suspension bridge which was cool but a rip off for the price. It's more for little kids since there are little shows and a treetop walk and stuff but cool to see.
The weather got nice on our way home, going to through customs on the way home took forever. They were way more strict than on the way into Canada. The whole trip was awesome and such a nice break from work. Our anniversary is the 15th so it was a pre celebration and I had so much fun with Brett :)
Hey cute girl!!! I'm so glad to see you have a blog! Hope we can stay in touch :) I'm happy to see you guys had fun on your trip! I knew you'd love's so artsy haha