Friday, September 3, 2010

Well school has started back up again for me. I actually really enjoy being in school. This semester is nice because I am at school more than I am at work and it is soooo much less stressful. I am doing a lot of art classes, Art History, Painting 3, advanced drawing and my last general class WooHOOOO :) Luckily the dumb general is just online so it's not hard at all.

I like being around so much art, I realize it just makes me happy to be painting and drawing so much more. In the summer I did some art but not tons and it makes me feel like I failed or something. I can't explain the feeling I guess other than I just feel like I didn't accomplish what I should have. But I didn't really have much time in the summer either, I worked all day and at night I want to hang out with Brett so it's hard to squeeze the art in. I want to start posting my art work but it's a matter of photographing it all, which I need to do anyway for my portfolio but to photograph it so it actually looks good is hard! It doesn't sound hard but it is, you can't have any glare or distortion blah blah.

So Brett today called me while I was at work and I couldn't answer because I was with a customer, but as soon as the phone stopped ringing he sent me a text saying to call him because it's urgent. So I'm thinking, I better hurry because something could be wrong! I called him as soon as I could and he is so funny because this was his urgent news, "Javier's is coming to Farmington, right by our house!!!!" He was so excited :) He is so funny. Javier's is this really good Mexican restaurant in Ogden, we actually had our first date at Javier's. I really love the place too, but Brett has been on this Javier's kick where he takes his employees there whenever he has a lunch thing and just craves it all the time. So it totally made his day that a Javier's is right by our house, we will be able to walk there! Anyway it just made me laugh, so HAPPY JAVIER'S DAY everyone!!!

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