Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas!

This Christmas has been a lot of fun, we spent a lot of time with each of our families and had some time off work and school. We went to the Christensen (Brett's mom's side) Christmas party at his aunt Carolee's house in Eden. We sang songs and of course Eric was the Partridge when we sang the 12 days of Christmas. He is the partridge every year and it's fun to see him up there bringing in the Christmas spirit with his dancing :)

On Christmas Eve we spent the first couple hours with my family and we did our Christmas dinner and nativity together before the gift exchange. It always feels like Christmas after we do our nativity program, which was nice since it didn't really feel like Christmas to me before that. It has rained all month and just didn't look like Christmas either, so the 24th was a nice day. About 6 o'clock we went to Temple Square and met Brett's family to see the lights. The lights were really pretty and I had never been on Christmas Eve so it was a nice change for me. It also brought in the feeling of Christmas for me. After the lights Jeremy and Brittany took us on a tour of the avenues to see Carl Malone's old house, the Smarts', Miller's house and a crazy house that had the most Christmas lights and holiday decorations I have ever seen. The guy who  owns the house actually brought out candy canes when we were looking at it too. That night we got our pajamas and hung out at the Woodruff's home before we went home to our place. It was nice to see both families on Christmas Eve so we are lucky to live so close to each of them.

That night Brett and I pulled a mattress down stairs by the tree and slept by it, we are such nerds. It was a lot of fun because it felt a little like when you are a kid and want to sleep by the tree so I got all excited. We both slept great actually but Brett did wake up around 3 to turn off the lights I guess. When we woke up we opened our gifts and just had a relaxing day. Later, my parents and Brittney came by to visit then we went to Brett's mom's for dinner. So it was a good weekend, some parts were busy and some were relaxing but I really enjoyed it.

Oh and Hopkins is getting better! I took out all the sawdust and have continued to give him his antibiotics. My parents suggested maybe he is allergic to the sawdust so I took it all out and put down a towel then put toilet paper in for his bedding since he doesn't have anything else to burrow in. The next day he seemed to be a lot better, not totally better yet though. I just hope it's not like last time when I thought he was getting better but declined later. If he continues to improve and if it really is the sawdust I will get him a different type of bedding that he can burrow in, it's just more expensive and I have never had another hamster be allergic to the sawdust before.

Tanner and Jeri at the Christmas party.

Garrett and Hunter

E-dizzle and Brett

Our partridge in a pear tree.
The crazy Christmas house, I couldn't fit it all in the picture. They said it takes them 400 hours to put it all up and they start on Oct. 1st.
Christmas Eve at Temple Square.
Christmas Eve at my parent's home.
Merry Christmas!!
Why do guys look fine in the morning? Not fair.
Our bed on Christmas Eve :)

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